
Does your shop blend in with the side of the industry that goes along to get along with what it considers its insurance “partners,” or does your shop blend out, choosing the path of true independence, good business ethics, and placing customers first? If you blend out, you should talk to us.

Superare Advisory Services

Superare is proud to offer several types of advisory services to the auto body repair industry. All of these services are designed to help shop owners operate profitable and truly independent businesses and to help the industry restore a free market without third party intrusion that compromises safety and real value for consumers.

Collecting “Short-Pays”

Suppressed prices are the biggest problem confronting shop owners. After many years of pursuing legislation, regulation, and class action lawsuits, the problem has gotten worse. Learn the complete process needed to take your own action using a workable strategy for collecting short-paid invoices.

Attorney Trial Preparation

For shop owners who intend to use the court system to collect short-pays, we offer advisory services to prepare attorneys for trial. We help with the development of strong evidence and work with you and your chosen attorney to avoid surprises in the courtroom.

Set Your Own Prices

Believe it or not, you can set your own prices. The process begins with knowing your “true cost” to operate your business. Learn how to create and utilize an intelligent pricing policy for your shop.

Transition Your Shop Away From DRPs For Greater Profit

Insurer direct repair programs are changing quickly. Independent shops are being dropped or marginalized in favor of the new breed of “insurer-controlled” shops. Today, more and more shop owners realize that these programs are terribly unprofitable. There is a better way. Learn how to profitably transition your shop away from DRPs.

Minimizing Third Party Intrusions

Most shop owners “inviting” them into their businesses. You can minimize the effect of these intrusions by recognizing how insurers manipulate you through fear and threats. Learn how to create and enforce your own profit-based business processes.

Contact Superare at (603) 582-1205 for a free, no-obligation quote to solve your shop’s most pressing problems..

Superare Educational Seminars And Meeting Events

Superare continues to develop a series of strong educational seminars for participants to learn how to become really independent in running their collision repair business. Our seminars will lead you through the “Process” that will allow your shop to become more profitable and with less of those unnecessary intrusions.

We are also available to speak at local meetings or show events.

Superare •  Nashua, NH 03062 • (603) 582-1205

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